Yesterday while at work my hubby rang to say that when he was taking Lucky for a walk she got frightened by a pick-up and had run away in panic. That was two hours ago and she was still not home.
My hubby is working nights and needed to go to bed for some sleep but he was worried sick about her.
There was nothing I could do but worry about her until my shift was finished. I got back home about 21.30 and she still was not home. Ian had not slept at all. He took the car and went down to Limnes, where we used to live to see if she had found her way there.
I stood outside the gate praying for her return. All sorts of things were going through my head. The dogs down the road kept barking, they normally only bark when someone goes by. If Lucky was about she would hear them and know which way was home.
Ian came back from Limnes. Nothing. He stood outside the gate and whistled on her and called here name. The neighbours dogs where still barking, then in the distance we heard a small bark. It was coming from the olive groves above us. We took the torches and went along the top road calling her name, we could hear her barking up amongst the trees.
Ian had to climb up the steep slope in amongst the olive trees. She was barking more now which helped him locate her. There she was trapped by a fence. Ian found an opening and coaxed her to come to the gap, which see eventually did and he got hold of her and carried her down to the road where I was waiting.
Was she pleased to see us. When we got her home she drank loads of water and was ravenous. She had been missing for about five hours. The other dogs must have known she was up there and kept barking. They stopped soon after we got home.
If you read my blog you will know that she was a stray that we took in and she was named Lucky because, she was lucky to find us. She has changed from a terrified thing into a lovely pet. We would not know what to do without her now. She is so funny and has become a big part of our lives. We are so relieved to have her back home safe and sound.