Last week we took a lovely walk along the cliffs at Malia.
The weather was hot. To be quite honest we have had really good weather this November.
We found this rock sticking out of the ground with all these sea shells embedded in it.
I wonder how many thousands of years ago that this happened? This is quite high up from the sea level now, so what was going on all that time ago?
The weather changed here on Wednesday 2nd December. We had lashings of rain, the water running down the streets like rivers, and the wind!!!
We get really freaky type winds up here. Like mini hurricanes and things get tossed all about. Not too much damage though this time.
Then on Thursday out came the sun again. I am hoping we have some good weather at Christmas to, as my middle son is coming over for the festivities. Really looking forward to that.
What are you doing over the Christmas period?