Oh dear! I have done it now. All these months and I have resisted the temptation and then yesterday, yes, yesterday I finally gave in.
I hunted through my craft stuff until I found my two boxes with knitting needles and crochet hooks. It was nice getting acquainted with them again. Feeling them in my hands. Got out some wool and then there was no stopping me. Sorted my pattern out and off I went.
The pattern I chose is for a zig-zag cushion. I have made it before but many many years ago. Thinking about it I don't think I want to go there. Can it be really be that long ago? Suppose it can!
I sat down and did my chain of 214 then the next row was setting the pattern, so far so good. The first pattern row seemed to be going fine then I got myself in a twist, literally. I untwisted myself and got back on track. Can't remember it been this difficult the last time. Anyway did another row and it didn't look right. My peaks and troughs were a bit off. Oh bother. (that's been polite). Out it all came and I started again. Chain 214, fine. Set the pattern row, fine and the first row of the pattern, fine.
Success !!!!!!!!!!
Now there will be no stopping me.