These little beauties
All six of them. Nothing matching. All lovely colours. Destined to be my new seat covers.

My dining chairs are due a makeover.
These are sure to brighten things up a bit, em! A lot.
Thing is now they are made up can I bear to cut them to fit? That is a big question. You will have to wait and see.
All the materials were just scraps. Off cuts. Bits and Bobs that I have collected from other projects. So they have cost me nothing except my time and effort.
I am really pleased with the way they turned out.

My next project was a cover for the dogs bed. Here is the lovely Rosie trying it out for size and comfort.
Perfect she reckons.
Oh! I have also been knitting but I will keep that for next time.
Cya, catch you all soon.
Judith x