Thursday, 5 February 2009

Modes of Transport

I see these everyday, but today I thought that you might like to see them. The Greeks have these mechanical donkeys, so to speak, they really are very handy.

This one is a rotorvator

This one must be a deluxe model!


Chris Daly said...

What a riot. I bet it is a great way to get around.

Donna said...

I love your view, Must be nice to have the wind all around,hope it doesn't rain

Fifi Flowers said...

Interesting modes of tansportation! I think I would pick the deluxe!

Jo Hopwood said...

I wish my commute was as interesting!

3anklebiters said...

modes of transportation always amaze me outside the states. thanks for sharing the mechanical donkeys.

MyCretanlife said...

I will take some more photos of vehicles here, some you just would not believe. Thanks all for stopping by.

dragyonfly said...

We need more "mechanical donkeys" with this crazy world economy.

My Cretan Life