Saturday, 26 December 2009

Our Christmas


Just about to sit down at the table.

We really ate too much yesterday. I think we nearly always do. I phoned family and friends to wish them a Happy Christmas and we sat in front of our roaring fire and watched TV.

But today we worked it off.



Yes we were olive picking. It was such a lovely day, really sunny and hot.


Nice juicy olives


A working donkey


I found these lovely little flowers blooming away to themselves.

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The olives all picked and loaded onto the pick-up.

What did you do on Boxing day?


Graham said...

All that Raki must have gone to my head, Blind drunk cos I didnt see you work much. lol

Joyce said...

I put on my snowshoes and went for a hike.

Chris Daly said...

Happy Christmas Judith. It is hard to believe you are harvesting and photographing flowers while it snows here in Wisconsin. Wishing you a wonderful New Year! Chris

Jenny said...

Hi Judith - its too cold here to much more than sit by the fire. Your dining room looks lovely and cosy and festive! Hope we have some olives too...

3anklebiters said...

what are you going to do with all those olives? what a fun way to spend the holiday. we also ate too much, but enjoyed a holiday surrounded by family.

Lynn Cohen said...

Lovely Christmas table you set.
I know everyone enjoyed the eating and talking and being together.

Do you now cure the olives yourselves? What work! But oh so delicious afterwards. What kind are they?

My Cretan Life