This one is regularly parked in the supermarket car park.
And this dog has got the front seat, while his mates are in the back.
These vehicles are used almost everyday for getting around. Wish we had one.
Lynn expressed a desire for me to give the recipes for my cooking so here they are.
Lemon Curd (very easy).
Grate the rind and juice the 3 lemons. Put into a large microwaveable bowl with the butter. ( I only used the rind of 1 lemon.)
MICROWAVE ON HIGH FOR 3 MINUTES until the butter is melted. Stir in the sugar. MICROWAVE ON HIGH FOR 2 MINUTES.
Stir until the sugar is dissolved and then add the strained beaten eggs stirring all the time.
MICROWAVE ON LOW FOR 12 TO 14 MINUTES. Stir occasionally until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of the spoon.
Spoon into dry sterilized jars and cover. Store in a the fridge and consume within a month.
Very very yummy!!!!!!!!!!
Orange preserve.
Cut the washed oranges and lemon in half and place in a large microwavable bowl with the water. Cover loosely with microwave film and MICROWAVE ON HIGH FOR 10 MINUTES.
Remove the fruit from the water and leave to stand for 5 minutes
Discarding the pips shred the oranges and squeeze the juice from the lemon. Return to the bowl and add the sugar and leave for 10 minutes till the sugar is dissolved.
MICROWAVE ON HIGH FOR 20 TO 25 MINUTES stirring occasionally , until a spoonful wrinkles when dropped onto a cold plate. pour into hot sterilized jars and seal.
Orange peel in syrup.
Wash the oranges in hot water and dry. Cut each fruit into 6 wedges and carefully remove the peel, placing it into a bowl of cold water.
Thread the peel in curls onto kitchen string. about 10 per string and not the ends. Soak the threaded peel for 24 hours. Change the water 3 or 4 times over this period.
Drain the peel and bring to the boil in 3lts/ 5pts water. Simmer for 15 minutes. Drain the peel.
Repeat last step again but only simmer for 10 mins. The peel should be soft, not mushy. Allow to drain for 1 hour.
Put the lemon juice and sugar into the pan with 150 mls/ 1/4 pt water. Bring to the boil, stirring all the time to dissolve the sugar. Boil till a syrupy consistency. Remove peel from the strings and simmer for 5 mins. Let the peel stand in the syrup over night.
Heat up the syrup and peel mixture and cook to thicken for 4 minutes. Leave to cool, then fill into jars rinsed in hot water. The peel will keep for about 10 months stored in a cool dry place.
Serve as a dessert with greek yoghurt.
The other week we had very strong winds all through the night.
Lucky didn’t like it.
Ian couldn’t sleep.
So both of them kept waking me up.
Then the following day we were all bleary eyed.
The garden next door had an almond tree blow down.
Branches were blown off.
and this pergola was also a victim.
It was a bit scary.
We get loads and loads of oranges and lemons given to us. So Wednesday I started out making Lemon curd. The recipe I used was one for the microwave and it was really very easy and quick.
Then having made that I turned to oranges and found a marmalade recipe for the microwave also. This was also very easy to make and it tasted lovely too.
I then tried making Orange peel in syrup.
You cut the peel into wedges and are supposed to thread them onto string, but not having string I used cocktail sticks.
You soak them in cold water for 24 hours
Then you boil them in sugar to get a syrup
And you end up with of candied curled peel which you use as a sweet with yogurt.
The oranges that I have left will be juiced I think.
My quilt is not finished, but it is nearly! Honest.
I have had 3 migraines this last 8 days so not had a very good time. Only 1 put me to bed for 3 hours. We have been busy doing jobs in the house too. Some things that didn’t get finished off properly.
The first and second photo show Lucky just testing it out for snuggling under. She’s a funny dog for that. She hides herself away under cushions and things. It must give her a sense of security.
We went to Sylvia’s house for our Thursday sewing and it was a glorious day so we sat outside. On the way home I stopped the car and jumped out to take the next photo.
I just love poppies.
Have a great week-end whatever you are doing.