Some interesting books
Had a good look around some charity shops this last week and found some interesting books.

I have a thing for books.
I bought 3 for £2.00 in one shop and 3 for £1.00 in another. I also got some from ebay.
All I need now is a bookcase to put them all in. I am looking for a one as I have quite a pile forming now.
I then found a nice mirror and these two tall shelving units. The mirror was nice and cheap, only £3.00 the shelves cost £13.00 with 8 placemats and a lamp thrown in. A job lot so to speak. The light is ideal next to my sewing machine as it’s in a corner and it’s a bit dark there. My eyes are not as good as they used to be.

More material to be recycled
Two quilt covers a shirt and a piece of new material for my stash and two nice doilies. I have a plan forming on how to display these doilies. I will have to see how it works out.
I have been doing a little bit of sewing too

The colourful sashing strip lying on top of the string quilt
Remember my string quilt well I am making it larger adding these sashing strips to all 4 sides. I have one long side complete. It still needs squaring up and another three to go.

My string quilt top
I have even hunted out some knitting that needs finished. I have done the back, the two fronts and most of the sleeves. So not much more to go. I have to block the pieces though as it is in a wide rid and the stitches are sort of drawn up.
Here comes the snow.

Yesterday in the snow up on the heap.
The veiw from our landing window this morning.

The snow falling heavily.

Winter wonder land up on the heap.

Ok that’s about all the news from here, catch you all again soon.
Judith x